Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A-Z Challenge: O Day

Outlines! Creative people are so funny. We might all be writers, but each writer seems to have a completely unique writing process. Some are pantsers, and they sit down and write that story with absolutely no idea where it's going. Some are plotters and they don't even write the first word until every scene is plotted extensively. And then there are those in between who are a mixture of both.

That's where I am. I use an outline, because I like to see where I'm going, but it's a very vague outline. Like, one paragraph for the entire novel. But that brief outline gives me enough that I can work my way through the novel without a lot of deleting useless scenes, while not being so structured that my creatity screams in outrage.

I love to see how different everyone's process is. How do you do it?


  1. So true that everyone's writing process is SO different. When I started writing I kept trying to become of different writer-use some other brilliant writer's method, but I'm learning (and have to keep relearning) that my way of writing-general idea and lots of pantsing is right for me.
    Great post!

    1. Thank you! Writer minds are fascinating. I love it! And it's true, we have to find what works for us, even if it doesn't work for anyone else :)

  2. You know I love to have a scene-by-scene outline before I begin writing. :) Lots more legwork for me initially, but a lot less in edits. If I pants it, I usually end up with an unusual manuscript.

    1. Lindzee, I was thinking of you when I wrote this :) I love how different we all are. If I had to outline everything before I started, it would never get written!

  3. For my first book I wrote out a detailed outline. My book doesn't even vaguely resemble that outline... I love the way my first draft turned out but I could practically reuse the outline to write a completely different book. Yup, no more detailed outlines for me! I'm trying a very simple outline (much like what you described) for my next book.Simply Sarah

    1. That's so funny! Isn't it crazy the way our stories just completely take over? Good luck trying out the simple outline :)
