Thursday, April 4, 2013

A-Z Challenge: D day!

D as in the alphabet D, not the OTHER day. Just so we're clear.

So I was stuck trying to think of something writing related that started with D. I asked some writer friends and they gave me a whole list, and now I'm feeling not so brilliant because there are a TON of letter D words: Drama, Description, and Dialogue, for example. I'm picking Dialogue because I really struggled with it when I first started writing, but now it's my very favorite part of creating a story!

Dialogue can be difficult because you have this whole witty thing going on in your head and on paper it seems stilted or unclear. But done well, dialogue can totally transform a story. One of the things that helped me was watching people interact and writing their conversations in my head. I tried to include mannerisms, too, because very rarely do people stand absolutely still and stare at each other while they speak. I try to include that in my writing.

And I read, of course, everything I could find on writing dialogue. I picked up my favorite books and studied how their authors did dialogue. It went from being my least favorite thing to write to my favorite. Now, if only I could find someone to act out my battle scenes for me...


  1. in really well done dialogue you can actually "read' the mannerisms in the spoken:)

    1. That's true! I'm not to that point yet. Working on it though :)

  2. Thanks for dropping by my blog today!

    I'm not a writer, so I'd never really thought about how difficult it is to create believable dialogue, but this will make me appreciate good writers even more, thanks!

    1. Haha, no problem! And thanks for dropping by back!

  3. I find dialogue challenging and often reread dialogue sections of novels to see how the author makes it work.

    1. Me too! My favorite books are the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare and I read over those a zillion times when I'm trying to write fantastic dialogue

  4. Good post for "D". New follower here. I'm stopping by from the "A to Z" challenge and I look forward to visiting again.


    1. Thanks for stopping by! I'm heading to your blog now :)

  5. Dialogue can be especially tricky when you're trying to capture each person's unique way of speaking.

    1. So true, but when it's done right, it can make such a huge impact! That's my goal :)

  6. Dialogue is challenging for me also. I find it extremely helpful to start a story with the dialogue and then fill in the rest.

  7. Excellent D list. My D was super easy. DOG. : )
    Checkin' in from the A to Z Challenge.
    Peanut Butter and Whine

  8. Dialogue is hard. I have a difficult time with it as well. Thankfully my characters are more witty then I and often come up with things on their own.

    Aw, battles. I can understand that one. It would be so much easier if someone was act them out so we could see them.

    1. Wahoo for witty characters! Mine are still a slave to my sense of humor, and it's...lacking ;)
