Monday, April 1, 2013

A-Z April Blogging Challenge

Hey! It's April Fools Day! AND it's the first day of the A-Z Blogging Challenge. What is this challenge I speak of, you ask? Every day except Sunday for the month of April, we blog about a different letter in the alphabet. Fun, right? So today is

I'm starting with A for ANIMALS. I LOVE the animals I write about it my stories. My all-time favorite character is in my Shattered Assassin story, and she's a giant wolf named Nakomi. And now I'm writing about unicorns (HEY. Unicorns are real, yo). I love giving animals human-seeming characteristics while staying inside the animal characteristic-parameters. It's challenging, but it's FUN.

AND today, April 1, is A-Z Blogging Challenge founder Arlee Bird's birthday. Happy Birthday and thank you for everything you do!

Now I'm going to bounce around and visit other blogs for this "A" day! Enjoy April, everyone!


  1. Hey! Of course unicorns are real :)

    I don't write about animals but they do make fleeting appearances in my stories, they are a part of everyday life after all.

  2. What's not to love about human-seeming animals? I think we are only write what's actually going on inside their heads :D
    Jenn @Scribbles From Jenn

  3. Good choice. And I love your "A". Gorgeous.

  4. I love animals too...even Aaron the Angry Alligator. :D

  5. I love that your first post is A for Animals! Glad to know that there are other animal-lovers in the A to Z Challenge! Happy A to Z!

    1. Thank you! I'm happy I'm not the only one, too!
